Sunday, March 29, 2015


I hope everyone is enjoying there beautiful weekend! Next Monday and Tuesday there will be a sub in the class, Mrs. Hiller! She will also be our long term sub when I leave on May 1st. 

Sorry I did not get to take as many pictures this week=(


Last week we did a lot of review for our test on Thursday and review for our sight word tests. Next week we will starting Unit 5, which continues to practice those decoding skills, and listening to the sounds in the words. I will be sending home a new sight words list so keep an eye out for that!


Next week we are starting a new chapter about attributes. This is another fun math concept where students get to do a lot of sorting of objects and recognizing how they are different. 


In writing we are continuing to work on writing for a purpose. We will be focusing on adding spaces to our sentences, writing letters, and changing the font in our stories.


The students have been loving our resurrection eggs! They are doing really good at understanding the story and how things happened. We do talk about the painful things Jesus had to go through, but I do not go into crazy detail. We also talk a lot about why he did it and what it means for us, which is the real reason why Easter is so important and why I want them to know the whole story.


Last week we talked about a few things including push and pull, and solids and liquids. The one picture I did get was the students eating their "solid" Popsicle made from "liquid" juice". We talked about why it changed and how it could change back.  

Have a great day!
Mrs. Lee

Monday, March 23, 2015

Last week was a fun week. We had our field trip on Wednesday, which was really fun. It was perfect because there were not too many people there and the kids were able to explore a lot. We also enjoyed the My Body lab. It was a personal class just for us where students learned about their bones, the heart, and some digestion. Tuesday was also a kind of fun day. We did some St. Patrick’s Day activities and learned about the real St. Patrick. We also wrote a story about a leprechaun together, the students are going to illustrate our story now. We ended Tuesday with our Writers celebration. There was also some learning going on this week too=)

·        Next week is our sight words test, please practice!
·        Don’t forget to send back book bags on Thursday.
·        There is no school on Friday.
·        We are holding a toy drive for children at Doernbecher’s Hospital. Thank you to everyone who has already donated!
·        We have a preview night for new students if you know anyone who is interested in attending next year.

*Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Warner will be taking 3-4 students with them to Doernbeckers hospital to drop of the toys they have raised. She will be picking students based on a story or paper they write. If your child would like to enter the contest to see if they can go, the writing should answer “If you could spend one day with a child from Doernbecher’s, what would you like to do with them?”

Next week we will be doing a lot of review for our sight words and unit test, all on Thursday!

Last week we began our Measuring unit. The students are really enjoying it, and catching on pretty quickly. One hard concept for them to understand is taller and longer. They sometimes switch the meanings. K.MD.A

This week we began our unit on persuasive writing. On Friday I taught the kids how to write poster about something they feel strongly about. They had fun with this! So if your child comes home wanting to make posters to hang around the house you will know why=)


We have had so much fun this week in Bible. Every day until Easter we open one Easter egg to help us learn about the Easter story. Here is what we have done so far.
Day 1- There was a leaf in the egg to show how people laid down palm leafs for Jesus as he walked into the city.

Day 2- Our egg had bread in it to represent the last supper.
Day 3- We opened an egg with money in it, and talked about how Judas, his disciple, had betrayed Jesus for money. But then afterwards how bad Judas felt. 

Friday, March 13, 2015

I hope everyone has enjoyed their week.
This week we did a lot of writing! We wrote letters to kids in Dominica, and our favorite Disney characters. We also wrote thank you cards to missionaries that we know, and we are finishing up our How-to books which we will be celebrating next week.

Kids have been working really hard on their addition and subtraction fluency. You probably see a lot of papers coming home for that because we do one every day. Again students stick with one number until they can pass it with at least 5/6 correct. We will continue to do this up until Spring break, where hopefully by then everyone will have mastered their fluency! To help your child ask them simple addition or subtraction questions in the car or whenever you have time to give them more practice!

·       Next week is the OMSI field trip; please make sure to turn in the field trip slip ASAP!
·       If you have time and would like to come to our writer’s celebration we will be having it on Tuesday around 2:00. If you can’t make it, we have one for each unit. It is really fun to see all their writing and hard work, they are very proud of it!
·       Registration for next year has started if you have not yet had a chance to enroll or speak to Mrs. Warner.
·       On April 18th, we are having an adults Watercolor and Italian soda bar painting class, held by Mrs. Kim Tener. I am very excited about it! She is an amazing artist. It will be are ally fun night to paint and enjoy some adult time! The class is $40 and last about 2.5 hours. There is a limit of 20 so sign up quickly! I hope to see some parents there!

·       Registration for our summer camp has also started! They are having an under the water theme. It is a fun, interactive and an educational camp, I recommend.

In math, we are beginning a new unit on Measuring length, height, weight, and capacity. This is the fun math for students because it is more hands on for them.

Next week we are beginning our story of Easter. We will be learning about Easter by using resurrection eggs. Each day, for 12 days, we will open one egg to help us learn the story of Easter. It will be fun=)

As I mentioned, we are finishing up our unit on How-to books next week. Our next unit is Writing For A Reason. Students will be learning how to be persuasive and use their opinions by writing stories, making posters, or writing letters.

I hope everyone enjoys their weekend!

Mrs. Lee

Friday, March 6, 2015


  • I know it is not for another couple months, but I have planned the day for our mother’s Day Tea Party. It will be on Friday May 8th. I wanted to give some way advance notice for those who have trouble getting time off because this is a pretty special occasion for you and the students! It will be in the afternoon at 1:30.

  • Toy drive-This month for our missions focus we are holding a toy drive for the children at Doernbecher’s Hospital.

This week we did a lot of rhyming activities to along with our Dr. Seuss week. The students love the rhyming books! I did have some cute pictures but my son went through my phone and deleted them all :/

Next week we will continue to work on nonsense words, breaking up words, and our sight words.
We are also focusing on how to write letters. Next week students are going to write a letter to a missionary to ask them some questions. We are also going to write a letter to our favorite Disney character and send it to them. It is fun because they will send a postcard back.

In math, we are working on breaking numbers 11-19 into 10 and so many left. We are also still focusing on addition and subtraction. We have been talking a lot lately about the different ways you can find the answer: fingers, counters, or a number line.

This week we talked about Missionaries, and Mrs. Strickland talked to us about her experience. The students really enjoyed it, and many said they would like to do a missions trip when they get older! Warms my heart=)
We are finishing up our “All About me” unit next week by making our “All About Me” books.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs. Lee