Sunday, September 28, 2014


I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend! I can’t believe that September is almost over, and October is here. Some things coming up in October are the fire station and pumpkin patch field trips, Grandparents Day, Fun Fest, and Fall conferences (No school 23rd &24th)! Wow there is a lot=) I will post these on our calendar in your child’s OWL folder. Continue to check your child’s folder every day. We will be sending more information out about each of these events.

**Thursday Pastor Carey will be making lunch for the students so they will not need to bring lunch.

Next week we will be starting our first unit. We have our routines down, which means I can have the chance to work more one on one with the children. We will be practicing our sight words, and reading short stories everyday together. On Monday I will be sending home your child’s first sight word list. We have already begun to work on some of these words, so I hope they can tell you some already. Please practice every night. This list will be tested on October 30th.

We have begun our first chapter in Math. You probably have seen the ripped up math pages coming home=) I am hoping they will get better with more practice! So be patient with the crazy looking math pages while we get a hang of it. Also you may notice some of their numbers are backwards. To ease anyone’s mind, it is normal and we will work on it all year and into next year to write them the right way. For math homework, I will begin sending this home on our next chapter which will begin in a week or two. The math homework is optional, but if they do finish it they get a prize.

Next week we will be talking about Noah and the ark. Our focus is on obeying what God tells us to do.

Social Studies:
Next week we are kicking off our Pumpkin unit! We will be observing pumpkins, cutting them open, watching them mold and grow, learning about the life cycle, making pumpkin milkshakes, and ending our unit with our pumpkin patch field trip on the 31st! I would love to do a melted crayon pumpkin craft. If parents can donate small pumpkins, we have a ton of broken crayons=)


Mrs. Lee

Here are our finished people for our community helpers unit.  Each student picked a community helper they would like to be. 
These are our finger paint flowers.  These will be going in students portfolios so you will get to see these during conferences. 
Students made a picture of their favorite place to go with their family, along with their family on clothes pins. In Bible we talked about Cain and Abel, and how important it is to love our family's:) 

Monday, September 22, 2014


Good Morning Parents! I hope everyone had a great weekend! I can tell the students had a lot of fun this weekend as they seem pretty tired this morning!

 Last week we continued to work on our routines and rules. I also introduced our literacy curriculum. Right now we are working on rhyming words and our letters. These are two things that are easy to work on with your child. On the way home you can ask, “What rhymes with cat?” and in your everyday routines you can stop and ask, “What letter is this?” These are two really easy things to do with your children that will go a long way=)

In math we continued to work in our calendar books and learn new math stations. Below are some pictures of the students at their math stations. This week I will be introducing our math curriculum. You can look for the pages in their OWL folders. I try to correct them before I send them home. This would be another easy thing to go over with your child.

I hope everyone has a great week!

Mrs. Lee

Sunday, September 14, 2014

2nd week!

Happy Friday!
Here are the pictures I promised from our first week! 
This week we continued practicing our daily 5, we have gotten up to 5 minutes in reading to self! Hopefully by next week we will be up to 10 minutes.  I also introduced writing and the students loved it.  They were very quiet,  and we got to 7 minutes the first time.
In math we are continuing to work in our calendar books, practice writing our numbers,  and learning new math stations.  This week got away from me and I didn't get to take pictures. 
This week we learned about  the 7 days of creation, then worked on a coloring book that you should look over with them.  I did not test Bible verses this week because it wad the first week and we are getting in the routine,  next week I will test and send home how they did. 
This week we have been learning about community helpers.  We did discussed 9/11 briefly.  I tried to talk more about how the firemen helped people. We are continuing this unit for a few more weeks. 
-Picture day is next Friday. 
-Please begin to pack an extra morning snack next week.
-Library books are due on Wednesday.
-Fire Station field trip is still to be announced. 
Thank you, 
Mrs. Lee

We read the book No David and talked about rules.  
Here the students pretended to be David and showing how we line up. 
Here the students showed how we DON'T sit on the floor.  ( I think the kids had a little too much fun being naughty lol)

And here is how we sit

Here is how we Don't line up
We also talked about good and bad choices
Here are the pictures of all the cute students in our class:)*

We practiced cutting fun items like cups and straws.  I put a smiley face on their thumbs to help them remember to keep their thumbs up. 

Sunday, September 7, 2014

First week of School

Hope everyone is had a great weekend!

It was a short week last week, and it definitely flew by! I think starting off with a 3 day week was great though, because even the aftercare teacher noticed how tired all the kids were. I have to say I am very excited about our class this year, all of the students are super sweet!

We did a lot this week to learn the routines, rules, and how we should treat each other. We also practiced our basic skills like scissors, glue, and crayons.   As you will find out I love to take pictures of what we do in class, I think it is a great way for parents to see what is happening in the class, and even other family members like grandparents. However, I was having a horrible time this weekend trying to upload them from my phone (I have a new one=() Once I figure it out though I will post them immediately! 

Next Week:
Next week will continue to work on our routines, but I will also be introducing our Daily 5, calendar time in math, social studies and Bible.
Next week I will be sending home students first memory verse. We are doing A-Z memory verses, one for every week. Please help your child practice at home and we will say them every day at school. Every Friday I will test students on the verses. Thx!

·        Please remember to bring back take home folders and empty them nightly.

·        Tuesday Night is our Curriculum night, which is twhere I will answer a lot of questions about what we are learning, homework, field trips, and take home folders.

·        Picture day IS NOT on the 11th like the calendar says, I will post the exact date in my next post.

·         Last week and next week we will do snack together as a class, however the following week students should bring their own snack with their lunches, if they have not already been. 

If you haven’t had a chance to order scholastics books here is the online website , our code is M9B42

I hope everyone had a great weekend!

~Mrs. Lee