Conferences went great the last two days. It was nice getting to see all the parents and tell you how your child is doing. We honestly have a wonderful class this year and we just love them so much! This week we had a short week, but there was a lot of things we did!
Monday we had fun in Chapel acting out our story. There is Matthew being our donkey, he did a great job! And we gave out our Fruit of the Spirit awards. Good job Zealand and Addison for showing patience this month!
Because it was a short week we combined some art with our Bible. On Monday we made little Jack-o-lantern bags (Thank you Georgia for giving this to us!). We read the story of the Pumpkin Patch Parable, and talked about how God is like the light inside of us, and when people see our light shine it makes them happy.
On Tuesday and Wednesday we examined our pumpkin seeds and then planted them!! Though I have never gotten a pumpkin to grow we have seen sprouts and the students love it! Also on Wednesday we did out Pumpkin art! Playing and art is learning too=)
Painting pumpkins
Carter watering his newly planted seed
Silly class
Students sharing writing
- There was no Bible verse or sight words last week because of the short week, but we will start back Monday, so keep your eyes out. Please remember to practice every night and return your reading logs on Friday's=)
Next weeks verse
- It getting cold outside, remember coats, hats, and gloves=)
- We have 2 more weeks until we start packing our shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child. Our bin is starting to get full, thank you to everyone who has donated so far.
sight words
Brain break! With an extra 5 minutes the kids love to get down and dance and watch these silly videos.
I hope everyone enjoys their weekend! Please be safe!
Mrs. Lee