Friday, October 30, 2015


Conferences went great the last two days. It was nice getting to see all the parents and tell you how your child is doing. We honestly have a wonderful class this year and we just love them so much! This week we had a short week, but there was a lot of things we did!

Monday we had fun in Chapel acting out our story. There is Matthew being our donkey, he did a great job! And we gave out our Fruit of the Spirit awards. Good job Zealand and Addison for showing patience this month!

Because it was a short week we combined some art with our Bible. On Monday we made little Jack-o-lantern bags (Thank you Georgia for giving this to us!). We read the story of the Pumpkin Patch Parable, and talked about how God is like the light inside of us, and when people see our light shine it makes them happy.

On Tuesday and Wednesday we examined our pumpkin seeds and then planted them!! Though I have never gotten a pumpkin to grow we have seen sprouts and the students love it! Also on Wednesday we did out Pumpkin art! Playing and art is learning too=)

Painting pumpkins

Carter watering his newly planted seed

Silly class


Students sharing writing
  • There was no Bible verse or sight words last week because of the short week, but we will start back Monday, so keep your eyes out. Please remember to practice every night and return your reading logs on Friday's=)
Next weeks verse
  • It getting cold outside, remember coats, hats, and gloves=)
  • We have 2 more weeks until we start packing our shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child. Our bin is starting to get full, thank you to everyone who has donated so far.

Here are next weeks sight words if you would like to get a head start-=)

sight words 
Brain break! With an extra 5 minutes the kids love to get down and dance and watch these silly videos.

I hope everyone enjoys their weekend! Please be safe!
Mrs. Lee

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Parent/Teacher Conferences This Week 10/29 and 10/30

 Dear Kindergarten Parents,
This coming week October 26-30 is going to be a short week due to Parent/Teacher Conferences.  Reminder notices regarding your date/time were sent home Friday in your child's OWL folder.  If you did not receive it,  feel free to contact or marcepalmer@sonshine.  We would be happy to help you with your date and time.  Due to conferences there will be NO SCHOOL Thursday, Oct.29 and Friday, Oct.30.

Fun Fest this past Saturday was AMAZING thanks to everyone who came and helped!!  The kids had a lot of fun and "WOW" there were so many Sonshine families represented.  I'm already looking forward to attending next year (and so are my boys!)

Last Week At A Glance

Math- We began learning about Ordinal Numbers 1-10.  We read several books and played some games to help learn the concept of 1st, 2nd, etc. in addition to our Math Lesson.  This concept can  sometimes be challenging for Kindergarten-aged children.  A few children asked me if we were learning numbers in another language! (too cute).

Reading- We focused on the Letter Mm last week.  Ask your child what the letter Mm says.  They will hopefully rub their tummy and say "mmmm" as in something yummy.  We are continuing to practice our sight words, do small reading groups, and also working with basic letters sounds and letter writing practice with white boards.

Science- We continued our study of pumpkins, which has been a huge hit!  Friday we cut open a pumpkin and the students stood around with bated breath as the huge gourd was opened.  They each had a chance to put their fingers in the "gooey" insides and remove some seeds.  In pairs, they counted pumpkin seeds in groups of 10.  We discovered we had 320 pumpkin seeds in our pumpkin.  The life Cycle of a Pumpkin was also learned, complete with a cut and paste activity for each student.

Remember gifts for Operation Shoe Box.  Our classroom will be buying small toys to contribute.  We have a red box located inside our class. :)  This project ends Nov. 17th.

Thanks for all you do Parents,

Mrs. Palmer and Mrs. Lee

Fall Fest Pictures

More pictures from our awesome Grandparents' Day last Friday

Saturday, October 17, 2015


I hope everyone is enjoying there weekend! It seems like time is flying here at Sonshine, I can't believe it is mid-October already, report cards, Fun Fest, operation shoe box, Harvest dinner are all right around the corner!

 I will send out reminders next week for Parent conferences. Students are welcome to come to these and can even join us in the conversation.

Fun Fest is on October 24th. Fun Fest is a blast to come to, students get to play games, jump in the jump house, do a cake walk, and eat some yummy treats. Students are aloud to wear costumes if they would like to to Fun Fest, however at school we do not wear any costumes.

Image result for operation shoe box

In the next week or so we will be sending out some information about Operation Shoe Box. Our theme this year at Sonshine is to serve. This will be one of the many ways we can serve others.

Thank you Grandparents!

Image result for grandparents day bible verses

We would love to give a big thank you to all of our amazing grandparents here at Sonshine Christian School. We have never seen a more dedicated bunch of grandparents that have such a huge heart for their grandkids. We have grandparents that serve at our school each week, helping students learn to read, write, and grow. We see grandparents dropping their grandkids off each morning and picking them up each afternoon. They go on field trips with us and help us out during our programs throughout the year. Sonshine Christian School is a much brighter place to be with our wonderful Grandparents.

We were so happy to dedicate one day to our grandparents to show how thankful we are. We hope everyone had an amazing time. Here are some pictures of our Grandparents Day.    

Friday, October 9, 2015

Friday Update and Pumpkin Patch Fun!

Happy Friday,
Welcome to another fun week at Sonshine Christian Kindergarten.   Here you will find adorable pictures of our students and valuable information for our room.

Our Week at A Glance:
Math-  We are learning about the numbers 6-9.  How to count objects, write, and use with a ten frame.

Reading:  This week's theme was about Going To School and our responsibilities at school and at home.  Our re-aloud book was called "How do Dinosaurs Go to School".  We focused on retelling stories, reviewing our sight words, and reading books in small groups.

Bible:  Our story this week was about Isaac.  The kids were very fascinated that Abraham was 99 and Sarah was 89 when Isaac was born.  Look in your child's Owl Folder for next week's memory verse.

Bizi Farms Pumpkin Patch:
A huge Thank you to all parents who came and helped us with this field trip.  It was a ton of fun for both the parents and the students!  This is always a popular field trip and we can't wait for next year.

Classroom Reminders:
Water bottles are always welcome and encouraged in our classroom.  Please make sure you are ONLY sending your student water and not Gatorade, Powerade, or juice.  We try very hard to keep our carpet clean.  Red , blue and green juice is extremely hard to get out of carpet.  Also, water has a lot less sugar!  They are welcome to drink other beverages at lunchtime.

Parent/Teacher conferences  are scheduled for Thursday, October 29 and Friday, October 30.  Please email us three times that would fit with your schedule to accommodate everyone.  Thanks so much!

Reading Logs will be sent home on Friday with the sight words (see your child's OWL Folder).  The weekend is a great time to review sight words and spend time reading books together!

Reading Bags will be changed out and sent home again on Monday.

Fun Fest is Saturday, October 24th.  A flyer will be going out to all parents.  If you are interested in helping to run a booth, or even helping with set-up/take down please let Mrs. Warner know asap.  We would love to have some helping hands.

Pumpkins Needed!:  Next week Kindergarten will be starting our Pumpkin Science.  We will be doing investigations and learning with their personal pumpkins.  The pumpkin needs to be small and can be purchased at any grocery store (or pumpkin patch!!)

Grandparents Day is Next Friday, October 16 from 9am-12Noon.  Your child's grandparent is welcome to join us for this special day.  Please let us know if you have someone coming.  It is totally ok for the "grandparent" to be an uncle, friend, or older adult in your student's life who would like to join us.

  Makenna's Mom handing out food for the goats.

I don't think this tractor is going very far today!

Pyramid Maze and great picture spot.

Kindergarten "cuties!"

So Sweet!

Feeding the Goats

Picking the "perfect pumpkin!"

Decorating Pom Pom Cups

 Gavin sharing his writing

 Writer's Workshop Celebration

 More celebration pictures with cookies and punch

 Lara sharing her work


One last A-mazing photo to wrap up a totally fun week!

Friday, October 2, 2015


We had a great week in kindergarten!

Important Notes

·       Wednesday is our Pumpkin Patch Field Trip! Please remember to fill our permission slip and send in $5 if you have not already.

·       October 16th is Grandparent’s Day. We will be making invitations soon, but you may want to give them a heads up before hand.

·       Next Tuesday we will be having a writer’s celebration!! We buy cookies and juice and the students “read” their stories to each other. It is a time for them to feel proud of all their hard work. As the year progresses, they will have many more words to go with their pictures. We invite parents to come and read what students have written! It will be Tuesday at 2:15.

Homework started last week. I sent home a reading log with sight words attached. Today I sent home our new reading log. Please fill in the days you read and practice sight words nightly. Then return these forms every Friday. Students will get credit for turning these back in.

Book bags- next week I will start sending book bags home. They are different from library books. There will be paper books that we read in class that they keep and, books from our classroom library that should be returned each Friday. As students begin to read more, having books at their own level will be helpful.

A note was sent home today about our Fun Fest coming up. If you are able to help please fill the form out and send it back. You can help with the booths, buying or making cakes, or with setting up.  

Reading- This week we started our small groups. We read books together and practiced our sight words. In reading we have been working on letters, rhyming, and learning the difference between letters and numbers.

Math- In math we finished up our unit of numbers 1-5. Students also have been learning about greater than, less than, and one more. These are terms that would be great to work on in the car or other spare times!

Bible- last week we learned about Abraham and Sarah, and how God asked them to move far away. We have been learning what it means to obey God, our parents, and our teachers.
In September we learned about Self-Control for our fruit of the spirit. Each month every teacher recognizes two students who showed that trait. On Monday, those students received awards. Next month we will be focusing on Patience!
Image result for fruits of the spirit patience

 Next week’s Bible verse
Image result for every good and perfect gift is from above 
Writing- We are finishing up our unit on drawing to tell. Our next unit is “stories about me”. They will start making little books=)

Social studies- we are finishing up our Community helper unit and beginning our Pumpkin unit! Wednesday will help us kick off our unit!

Clipchart- you may have been hearing about this from your students. This is a behavior chart for individual behavior. When students are doing good or going above whats expected they are asked to clip up,but if they are having trouble they are asked to clip down.
Fun in Music

Happy Birthday Addison!


 Have a great weekend!