Happy Sunday!
This past week has been filled with fun, friendship and lots to be thankful for in our classroom.
Social Studies
We are finishing up our "First Thanksgiving" books and will be sending them home this Tuesday. The students worked hard putting the sentence strips in order and drawing pictures for each scene throughout the story of The First Thanksgiving.
We are counting up to one hundred and also counting by 10's to 100. Please practice this with your child at home too. It can be a fun "I Spy" game at home. I have been calling out numbers at school and having students find them on our counting chart. We are also learning to count on....For example what numbers come after 21....
Our letter last week was Cc. We have been watching interactive videos where the students can move to the C sound. Learn songs about the letter C. They also have been practicing the letter in the air to music. In addition, we practiced our sight words and read books in small groups together.
David and Goliath:
This is a favorite story for the boys in our classroom. They loved hearing the story about the battle scene between David and Goliath. We watched and moved to the song "Only a boy named David." Lastly, we watched the video from the Beginner's Bible Collection (made for young children) about the story.
Sonshine Elementary's
Thanksgiving Feast is this Tuesday. Notes for parents who were able to provide ingredients for Stone Soup were sent home on Friday. I clipped the note to the front of your child's OWL Folder. I have also added the list below.
Carter- 2 cans chicken broth (8 oz. can)
Matthew- Bowls
Sierra-Sweet potatoes (1 cup peeled and sliced)
Zealand- Regular potatoes (1 cup peeled and sliced)
Archer- 1 cups leeks
Raneem- garlic/ diced tomatoes
Lara- 1 cup leeks
Addison- 2 cans Chicken Broth (8 oz. can)
I believe the following parents were able to help with the Feast for Tuesday:
Raneem's mother
Addison's Grandmother
Zealand and Sierra's mother
Mrs. Lee will contact you with the best time/way to help that day. :)
Christmas Program- Friday, December 18th at 9:30 am is the Christmas Program for our school. Each child will be given a role in the Story of Jesus' birth. Of course, parents and grandparents are welcome!!
Amara and Makenna. Table mates and friends.
Gavin and Jace having fun together!
Tyler and Archer being silly before our small group reading time.
Mylah, Amara and Sierra working on their ipads for Reading and Math.
Carter enjoying his Free Choice Time!
Thanksgiving Service on Sunday, 11/22
Enjoying our Feast and classrooms saying what they are thankful for this year.
Delicious Food and Friends!
Mrs. Bates class sharing their "Thankful pictures."
Parents, I am thankful for you!! Mrs. Lee and I have the privilege of spending the day with your precious child. They are a gift from God and it's an honor to have the opportunity to educate and have them know more about the love of Jesus through us. Have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving wherever you may be.
Most sincerely,
Mrs. Palmer