Thursday, March 31, 2016


Always time for a quick game of Candy Land.  We were sorting colors...really!

Spring puzzle to go with the sun outside!

Math station: sorting objects

Happy Friday!
It was wonderful to meet with everyone for Parent/Teacher Conferences last Friday and even a few parents this week. We are very proud of the progress our students have made!  These last few months are going to fly by and the end of the year will be here soon!

Our Week At A Glance:
Math: Sorting by color and size, and alike and different.  We are also going over addition and subtraction facts to prepare for 1st grade.
Science:  The Ocean
Reading: The letter Kk and Hh and animal leveled readers.
Writing: Non-Fiction (sorting facts).
Bible:  The 10 Lepers-  Miracles of Jesus.

Important dates and events:
Registration discount for next year ends today!!  We hope to see your child here next year!🌞
Spring Break: is next week April 4-8.  Have a fabulous vacation!!🏄
Dinner and Auction:  Saturday, May 14 at 6:00pm. 🍝

Memorial Day: Monday, May 30th.  CLOSED.  🇺🇸

Math centers: Math puzzle equations

Thanks for sharing your special kids with us!


Mrs. Palmer and Mrs. Lee

Friday, March 18, 2016


Happy Friday Kindergarten parents! We had another wonderful week and we love this sun! Here are some things coming up you should know about,

·       Thursday the 24th is early release. We are also having preview night for new families, if there are people you know who are interested send them our way=)

·       Friday the 25th, there will be no school. We will be having conferences this day. Please email me if you have not scheduled a spot yet.

·       Sunday the 27th is our Easter service. We would love if you and your family can make it. Students who come will be able to sing on stage, and Pastor Carey will be giving a kid friendly Sermon. Also, there will be breakfast before, and an Easter egg hunt after!

·       This Thursday we will be having a Passover supper with the students. Students will be washing their feet, having communion, and participating in a feast just as Jesus did before his sacrifice and resurrection. If you can donate some small food items for the supper that would be wonderful! We are in need of grapes, juice, crackers, olives, and hummus. Thank you!
Here is a peek at our week!

Chapel fun!

Students learned about how Jesus washed his Disciples feet just as a servant would

Exploring the ocean!

Writer's celebration! pictures missed from last blog

Learning about measurement

Friday, March 11, 2016

3/11/16- Our Week in Pictures!

Dear Parents,
What an exciting week we had at school! Our week started with a field trip to the Portland Children's Museum.  Please see photos below.  The kid's had a blast!  The teacher's were tired, but we enjoyed ourselves too. 😉. Thank you to all the parents who came on the trip to chaperone.  You definitely worked hard and we appreciate you keeping our children safe while at the museum.

Our Week At A Glance
This week our "Letter of the Week" was Oo. In Math we are studying measurement and using linking cubes to measure things on paper and in the classroom.  We ended our Writing Unit on "Writing For A Reason."  Next week we begin persuasive writing.

Online Book Fair, March 13-19 Usborne Book Fair, Website:  This supports Sonshine Christian Library.

March 17th- Fundraiser for Sonshine Christian Elementary at Spaghetti Factory.  Join us between 4:30-8:00PM for dinner.  Look for a flyer in your child's OWL folder.  Flyer must be presented at the restaurant.

March 24th- Early Release 12 noon.
Preview Night- 6:30pm.  Come see what's coming up for next year at Sonshine Christian.  Let friends and family know who may be interested in joining us next year!  Contact Rosemary Warner for details.

March 25th-No school. Parent/Teacher Conferences.  Please check your OWL folders for the forms or ask Mrs. Lee or Mrs. Palmer for another one.

Spring Break- April 4-8.  Have a great vacation!!

May 14th-  Dinner and Auction  at Sonshine Elementary.  Plan now for a wonderful evening with beautiful baskets and items to bid on.  The event begins at 5:30pm.

July 17-29th- The Secret Garden Plan to join our summer school and get an extra head start for next year!!  Contact Rosemary for more details.

Our Students Hard At Work!