Friday, May 27, 2016


We are coming up on our last days of school and there is a 

lot going on! 

Special Dates


No school this coming Monday, May 30th:

Wonderful Raffle for Our Library: 

Thursday, June 2nd: Zoo Field Trip. Please send your child with a sack lunch (marked with their name) on this day and have them wear their Sonshine shirts. Thank you!

Wednesday, June 6th: LAST DAY OF LIBRARY for the year. Please return all books this day. Thank you, Mrs. Johnson, for a wonderful year of library!!!

Tuesday, June 7th: Father's Day Field Day from 10:30-12:30. Father, Grandfather, Uncle, or a Special Dude will join us for field day fun in Klineline Park! (Any mom/grandma volunteers to run games would be lovely!) 

Monday, June 6th: There will be a chapel presentation of the students' graduation songs. Please have them also wear their red Sonshine shirts this day. 
Friday, June 10th: Last day, Kindergarten Graduation at 10:00 am, School Program. We will be reciting Psalm 23 of the New King James version. Please be working on this at home. PLEASE SEND YOUR CHILD TO SCHOOL IN THEIR SONSHINE T-SHIRT ON THIS DAY. (: The t-shirts will be important to our big show! 

Thursday, May 19, 2016

5/20/2016- It's getting close to the end parents!

Happy Friday Kindergarten Parents!

Ok, time is really starting to fly now!  There are a lot of dates I need to remind you about just in case they haven't been added to your overflowing calendar already!

May 16th-27th: We will be testing over these two weeks. Please make sure your child is getting plenty of sleep and is eating a healthy breakfast in the morning.  You are more than welcome to send an additional snack for them to eat.

May 30th: Memorial day, No SCHOOL!

Thursday, June 2nd: Zoo Field Trip (save the date if you'd like to volunteer). Field-trip forms have gone home, please let me know if you need one. I am still missing 4 students.  The deadline was today.

Tuesday, June 7th: Father's Day Field Day from 10:30-12:30. Father, Grandfather, Uncle, or a Special Dude will join us for field day fun in Klineline Park! (Any mom/grandma volunteers to run games would be lovely!)

Wednesday, June 8th- Volunteer Appreciation All-School Lunch.  More details coming soon!!

Friday, June 10th: Last Day, Kindergarten Graduation at 10:00 am, School Program. We will be reciting Psalm 23 of the New King James version. Please be working on this at home. We will memorize a little bit at a time. PLEASE SEND YOUR CHILD TO SCHOOL IN A RED T-SHIRT ON THIS DAY. (: The white t-shirts will be important to our big show! 

*Note- you may have noticed I have not returned book bags back the last couple weeks. I am trying to collect them now so it is not a scramble at the end of the year. If you have not returned yours recently please do so. Thank you!*

*There will no longer be any more homework sheets sent home!  Yay!  Continue to read with your child, so they don't lose those important skills.

In reading we have been focusing on blending words in our head, and fluency by using punctuation marks to help us to know when to stop. Our phonics has been focusing on Syllables, and substituting sounds. Next week will be there last week of our Journey's Curriculum! We of course will continue to learn. We really will be reading, writing, and practicing our sight words to to finish off our year strong! I have put together a sight word book of all the words we have practiced that they will keep at school. If you would like a book for home let me know and I will send one home=)

This week's curriculum has been very different since we have been deep into testing with the students.  In an effort to not overwhelm the students we have been doing fun things in the classroom.  For example, Shape Bingo for Math.  Reading books on CD, free writing during writing time, and butterfly art during Science.  It has been a great break for the kids and a special time for the teachers to really engage and have fun together!

As always, if you have questions or concerns we are always here to answer questions for you.  Thank you for sharing your precious gem(s) with us. They are treasures!

~Mrs. Palmer and Mrs. Lee

Thursday, May 12, 2016


We are coming to a close of our school year and there is a lot of things coming up!

Important Dates Coming Up:

The Auction is this Saturday, May 14th at 5:30 pm. You can purchase tickets today, tomorrow, or at the door. Hope to see you there!!!

May 16th-27th: We will be testing over these two weeks. Please make sure your child is getting plenty of sleep and a filling breakfast to do their very bestSending them with an additional snack is also a great idea! 

May 30th: Memorial day, No school 

Thursday, June 2nd: Zoo Field Trip (save the date if you'd like to volunteer). Field-trip forms have gone home, please let me know if you need one. I have had some come in, thank you! 

Tuesday, June 7th: Father's Day Field Day from 10:30-12:30. Father, Grandfather, Uncle, or a Special Dude will join us for field day fun in Klineline Park! (Any mom/grandma volunteers to run games would be lovely!)

Friday, June 10th: Last Day, Kindergarten Graduation at 10:00 am, School Program. We will be reciting Psalm 23 of the New King James version. Please be working on this at home. We will memorize a little bit at a time. PLEASE SEND YOUR CHILD TO SCHOOL IN A RED T-SHIRT ON THIS DAY. (: The white t-shirts will be important to our big show! 

*Note- you may have noticed I have not returned book bags back the last couple weeks. I am trying to collect them now so it is not a scramble at the end of the year. If you have not returned yours recently please do so. Thank you!*

In reading we have been focusing on blending words in our head, and fluency by using punctuation marks to help us to know when to stop. Our phonics has been focusing on Syllables, and substituting sounds. Next week will be there last week of our Journey's Curriculum! We of course will continue to learn. We really will be reading, writing, and practicing our sight words to to finish off our year strong! I have put together a sight word book of all the words we have practiced that they will keep at school. If you would like a book for home let me know and I will send one home=)

In math we are learning about shapes and how many sides and vertices they have. Big word I know! They learned vertices is another word for corners=)

In writing we have started a fiction unit. This can be a little tricky because most of the year we have written about real things. They are having fun with it though!

Science- We have received our caterpillars! The students are having so much fun watching them grow and crawl around! We are excited for them to transform into butterflies. I am hoping to be able to release them with the kiddos before school is out!

In Bible we heard the story of Paul and Silas having to go to prison, but even in prison they sang praises to God. The story ends with the jailers family being saved. I think this is something even for us adults to learn. God can take horrible things and turn them into beautiful things. Let's always sing praises to our God because he is good through it all!

Friday, May 6, 2016

Happy Friday Kindergarten Parents!!

Thank you for an amazing Mother's Day Tea this morning!  The student's did amazing.  I was very proud of each one!  It was beautiful to see each Mom or Grandma there to support our kids.  Look for pictures coming next week from our special day.  Mrs. Warner and I got some great pictures.  Unfortunately, I picked a bad day to leave my phone (camera) at home!  Mrs. Warner will be sending me her pictures and then I can share them.  I blame Pre-Mother's Day Tea preparations on my absent mind...LOL! ;)

5/14- COME JOIN US FOR A NIGHT IN ITALY.  This is our annual auction with wonderful Italian food,  great gift baskets and other awesome items to bid on this year.

-The kindergarten class this year will be donating a rainy day basket. To make our basket we will need board games, coloring books and crayons, books, movies, puzzles, and any thing else you think would be perfect for a rainy day. I just bought the umbrella and set it out in the foyer to begin to fill and get ready. 

6/2- Our whole school zoo field trip! If you would like to volunteer let me know! Permission slips were sent out last week! Because this is a larger field trip we are asking that siblings stay home. Thank you for your understanding!

6/7- Father's Field Day. We will be going to Kline Line park for a Father's Day Field Day. This is a fun day to show appreciation for our Father's while playing some games and having fun!

6/10- last day of school/ Kindergarten Graduation/ half day!

Week At A Glance

Reading- continuing to work on substituting sounds and reading our leveled readers. We have also been talking a lot about characters. setting, problems, and solutions in our stories. This would be a wonderful thing to reinforce at home as well!

Writing- We just finished our Informational Text Unit and will begin writing non-fiction for this unit.

Math- 2D shapes.  Triangles, squares, circle, rectangle, hexagon, and diamond.  A great way to help your child is have them identify the different shapes around the house or as you are out and about your day.

*Our Bible verses will become a little more difficult. We will be reciting Psalm 23 for our graduation. This is a long verse but a powerful one! We will learn little chunks along with the signs leading up to graduation*  Look for the next verse coming next week.  The kids did great learning the verse and signs this week!

If you are reading this and you are a mother....have a wonderful weekend!  Faith Baptist Church will be having a special Mother's Day service if  you are looking for a church.  We would love to have you be a part of our program

Thanks for all you do!  Your child is precious to us too :)

Mrs. Palmer and Mrs. Lee