Wednesday, October 26, 2016


I would describe our week as short and sweet. We did some learning but also relaxed a little and did some art, had some free choice, and cleaned a little.

I am looking forward to talking to everyone at conferences the next two days. Please bring any questions or concerns you have. 

Make sure to check your child's folder tonight, there is a lot of information in there as well as work. 


- Fun Fest is this Saturday, it is a super fun fest where kids can dress up, play games, and have fun. My family will be there, I look forward to seeing those who can come. 

- Notes about Operation Christmas Child went home today. A video and more information is also below in last weeks blog. I will put out a bucket next week to collect items. I truly appreciate all that our families do! I see so much love and kindness here!

- If you have not completed our school survey here is the information for you to complete it.

Dear Sonshine Christian Elementary Parents,

As part of our accreditation process and school improvement planning we are asking that all of our parents take a simple on-line survey. Your participation in taking this survey will help us to make improvements at Sonshine! When you are ready to take the parent survey, simple click on this link and follow all directions.

Thank you so much for taking time to do this and if you have any questions, please let me know.



Pictures of our week
Pumpkin art
 How to draw videos at rest time

Puppet show in Chapel


Some silliness=)

Art projects

Thanks for sharing your wonderful children with me! I feel blessed to be teaching such great children.

Friday, October 21, 2016


Every October and November we at Sonshine and Faith get the chance to be apart of a wonderful cause,  operation christian child.  What this is,  is we get together and each buy 1 or 2 small items to fill a shoe box that will get sent auld the world to children in need.  For the next 3 weeks our class will be collecting hygiene items (tooth brush,  hair brush, ect...) for the shoe boxes. I was reading a devotional this morning and I the quote reminded me of this

Abraham Lincoln once said, characteristically, “I am sorry for the man who can’t feel the whip when it is laid on the other man’s back.”

This is a opportunity for us to show love to those who do not have the simple pleasures we do.

Here is a video that talks more about operation Christmas child.

No homework next week
Image result for no homework clipart

Our Fall testing is done! The kids were such troopers this last week. They all worked very hard. Some even asked for more testing lol! I look forward to sharing your child's results with you during our conferences.

Here are a few pictures of our week, sorry I did not get too many=(

Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Lee

Friday, October 14, 2016


I don't know if we could of had a funner week with our fire station field trip, grandparents day, birthday's and so much more! This week I'll let the pictures tell the story=)

*Next week we will be doing our MAP testing, which is a computer based reading and math test. Make sure to get lots of rest, and a good breakfast next week! Thank you!

*Today was the last day for Payback books. You may return the books not purchased, or money from the ones that were purchased. Thank you so much!

Thank you to everyone who donated ice cream to our special day today!

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Sunday, October 9, 2016


This week has been filled with a lot of learning, playing, and arts and crafts! We are not wasting one minute. To finish up our community helper unit we talked about police men and completed a police car craft on Monday, and on Friday we talked about what farmers do (perfect discussion after our trip to a farm!). Next week we will be starting our pumpkin unit.

I have been impressed with how the students are catching on to our sight words, it is fun to see them finding them all around us. This week was our first week beginning our Journey's Curriculum. They have begun to read! This is a fun year to see them grow in reading.

We are finishing up our writing unit next week, and we will celebrate all of our hard work with our grandparents. Most of their writing will come home, except for a few pieces they will keep in their data book to see how they progress through the year.

Reminder our Fire station field trip is Wednesday, so please wear our Sonshine shirts, and leave a booster.

- We will be having ice cream with our grandparents and we are looking for donations for this special event. Email me if you are able to donate any, so we know how much to get. Thank you!

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!

Thank you,
Mrs. Lee

Impromptu dance party

police car craft

Chapel fun