Friday, January 27, 2017

Happy Friday wonderful kindergarten parents! We had another busy week in kindergarten with our field trip to OMSI and open house on Thursday. I was also gone for a few days this week because of a sick child at home, but the kids did so great!


*I want to appologize because I gave the students their -in spelling test today on accident:/ So ignore the test from today and I will re-give it again next Friday!=)

*Don't forget to bring Book Buddies back this Monday! Kids get to clip up if they bring it back=)

* Below is a picture of our weekly newsletter. *Typo old Spaghetti is on Jan. 31st. I will send home the correct paper copy Monday=)

*Report cards will be coming home sometime next week, so keep a look out!


I can't believe February is upon us, time just seems to go faster and faster! There are a lot of events coming up so mark your calendars!

-February 1st 2:15- Writer's celebration. This is a small in class celebration we have after each unit to celebrate all the hard work the students have put into their writing. Parents are more than welcome to join!

-Jan. 31st- Old Spaghetti Factory Dinner Fundraiser from 4:30-8:30. Keep your eyes open for flyers that have been sent home.

-Feb. 13th- Class Chapel at 10:00 am. Our class will be leading chapel this day with a little skit and music. Parents are welcome to come and watch!

Feb. 14th- Valentine's day party at 1:15. If you would like to volunteer or donate treats please let me or Rashell Massey know.

Thursday and Friday Feb. 16th and 17th- School accreditation observation. More information about hearing the outcomes of the accreditation and offering interviews will be given soon.

Feb. 20th- Feb. 24- Mid-Winter Break, no school. Please contact Brooke Warner at the daycare if you need child care.  

Chapel with CEF. The kids love the puppets!

OMSI, hopefully more pictures to come

Sticky icky Vowels song, ask your child to sing it sometime=)

 We had the privilege
to watch Mrs. Jones class present their Washington state Indian tribe reports.

Thank you and have a great weekend!
Mrs. Lee

Friday, January 20, 2017


Well we had a short week, but we got a lot accomplished! We finished up our MAP and DIBELS testing, had our spelling test, learned some more about MLK, and of course worked on reading and math. The students have been troupers with all of our testing, especially since I am working on report cards as well!

Next week will be busy! Tuesday is our field trip to OMSI, please remember to have your child wear their Sonshine shirts, and bring a booster. Thursday and Friday are now full days. Open House is on Thursday, pizza at 5:30 and Open House beginning at 6:30. On top of that we will also be finishing up testing for report cards.

Report cards will be out in a few weeks. In second quarter we do not have conferences, however, if you would like one I would love to sit down together.

I look forward to getting back into the routine of things next week!

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

The few pictures I got this week.

The students watched the inauguration today. we talked about how this historical moment happens every 4 years, and that who ever is our President, that we should be respectful of them. After we watched the inauguration  we prayed as a class. Let me tell you, I got a little watery eyed hearing these kindergarteners praying for our President, and praying that the leaders would know God and that they would protect our country. I say it often, but this is such a wonderful group of kiddos. Cute moment, they all stood and said the presidents pledge as he did, and clapped at all the right moments!

Some recess fun inside

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

mid-week post

I thought I would send out a quick mid-week blog to help clear up any questions. This last week/month has been a little crazy!

-We will still be doing our –ad spelling test this Friday. We practiced last week as  a class and we will review it again this week.

-We will use last week’s Bible verse for testing.
Image result for joshua 24:15

-As for make-days, Mrs. Warner is looking at our schedule  and hours and will let everyone know as soon as possible what has been decided.

-Please remember to turn in your permission slips for next week if you have not already! I am still in need of a few more volunteers, please let me know if you can come=)

-Next Thursday evening is our Open house for parents! Students and parents can come for pizza at 5:30 and the open house will begin at 6:30.

Have a great day!

Mrs. Lee 

Friday, January 6, 2017


Happy weekend my wonderful kindergarten parents!

We had a great first week back! I was a little afraid they would have forgotten our routine, however, they did amazing! We spent a few days practicing our routine and they were right back into it! 


-Next week we will be testing, so make sure the kiddos get to bed early and eat a healthy breakfast=)

-I will send home field trip permission slips next week!

-Remember your Buddy bags on Monday!!! I only got a few back this week=/

-No more rest time, so we will not need towels any more.

-Check your child's folder for new spelling words and Bible verse. (I did not test this week.)

Next week in Bible we will be focusing on respect and selflessness, and in social studies we are learning about Martin Luther King. These go perfect together! This is a great time to reinforce being respectful and treating others kindly at home too=)

Here are a few pictures from our week!

snowman art=)

Computers day! The kids are getting great at using the mouse pad, and they are beginning to type letters!

Practicing writing during Daily 5