I cannot believe we have been in school for a month!
Though I also can believe it because of the progress I have seen in the
students already! This week we started learning to write sentences to go with
our pictures, and they are doing amazing! I cannot wait to share them with
every one during conferences.
Conferences will be held on Oct. 31st and Nov.
1st. I sent out an e-mail to schedule a conference date. If you did
not receive one, please let me know.
Field Trip
Our Field Trip to the fire station was a lot of fun. They
took us on a tour of the station, we were able to see where they sleep, eat,
exercise, and study. We even had the chance to watch a fire fighter slide down
the pole! They gave us a tour of the fire trucks, and all of the students had a
chance to sit up front. Here are some pictures.

In Literacy we have been working on rhyming and letter
sounds. Next week we will be moving on to recognizing the first sound in a
Ways you can help at home is by practicing with your
child by asking what the first sound in a word is. For example you would say
“what is the beginning sound in Car?” and they would say “/c/”. This is an
important skill as students learn to spell and read. Later in the year we will
focus on ending and middle sounds.
In math we have worked up to number 5. Next week we will
begin working on numbers up to 10. Things you can do to help at home are
practice counting as high as you can, play I spy with numbers, and help them
practice writing the numbers.
Important information
-Please sign up for your top 3 conference times if you
have not done so already.
-Next Friday is Grandparents Day. Grandparents can come
in from 8:15-12:30. We have a lot of fun activities planned, and there will be
a gift for the grandparents.
- We are planning a field trip to the Portland Children’s
Museum on November 19th. I will be sending additional information
home soon. I wanted to give advance notice for parents who would like to join.
-Halloween: We are not celebrating Halloween in our
classroom, so we ask that students do not wear costumes to school. We will be
going to the pumpkin patch on the 31st, so we will still have a lot of
fun! As well, we have the fall festival on the 26th with a lot of
fun games and activities.
I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!
~Mrs. Lee
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