Friday, October 24, 2014


I hope everyone has enjoyed their few days off. I know I was able to sleep in, which is always welcome=) I would like to share some exciting news with my families. I am 12 weeks pregnant and due this May. I am showing a little more and it is getting hard to hide, so I thought I should share=) Julie Hiller who is now subbing for Miss Jones will be coming back at the beginning of May to finish our year out.  It is a true blessing because she knows all of the students already and how our class is run. I will be sharing the news with the students on Monday=)
Next week is our pumpkin patch field trip! As of now the weather is looking pretty rainy, but who knows maybe we will get some luck. Please bring a change of clothes for your student. We will be back around 12:00 and school will be out at our normal time. We will most likely come back, eat lunch, take a rest and have a relaxing afternoon.

Next Thursday we are doing our pumpkin art. We will be melting crayons over our pumpkins. I have only received a few pumpkins. If a student does not have one they can watch the other students melt the crayons, which still can be fun.

This Saturday is our Fun Fest! I went last year and it was really fun for the kiddos. There are games, treats, and face painting. Students may wear their costumes to the fun fest. On Friday, however, we will not be wearing costumes.

Sorry there are no pictures this week, there will be a lot for next week=)

Mrs. Lee

Sunday, October 19, 2014


Mrs. Lee’s
Kindergarten Classroom

We had such a fun week this week, especially with our fire station field trip and Grandparents Day! Below are tons of pictures! If you would like me to text or email any pictures to you let me know!
Here is the video we showed of our students on grandparent’s day.  It is adorable, cute and hilarious.

In Literacy we are focusing on beginning sounds and words in a sentence. Beginning sounds are an easy thing you can work with your kids on in the car. You can say “What is the first sound of cat?”, and they would say “/c/”. We work on this everyday in class, but the more practice the better=). We have also done a lot of reading lately. The students are picking up their sight words very quickly! Our reading is very repetitive. Soon I will begin sending home books at the student’s levels to read.

In math we are continuing to work on numbers up to ten. We are also learning new vocabulary words like greater than, less than, equal to, and one more.
I sent home the students optional math homework a few days ago. This is due the 31st or before.
Bible Verse:
“God is Love.” 1 John 4:8
In science we are continuing to study Pumpkins. I would like to do a pumpkin art with the students in the next coming weeks. Please send a small pumpkin in for your child to do the pumpkin art.

Students examining our class pumpkin parch

Our field trip to the fire station

Grandparents Day

Monday, October 6, 2014


On Friday I sent home a lot of papers in student folders if you have not had a chance to look. Two important papers are the field trip slips for the fire station and the pumpkin patch. You can turn these in as soon as possible.   

Here are some things we have been working on.

In literacy we are continuing to practice our rhyming words. Most students have this down. We are also practicing hearing sounds and repeating them. Both of these skills help students as they begin to learn how to read. Last week was our first week of reading. It was really fun to see students so excited to be reading. Again, learning those sight words will help tremendously in learning to read. The first 100 sight words student learn make up about 50% of books! In writing we learning to label our work and sound out our words.

 In math we have been working on numbers 1-5, greater than, less than, and equal too. If you find opportunity use this with your children at home. The more they hear it, the better they will remember it!

Bible verse-Every good and perfect gift is from above. James 1:17

Last week was our first week of our pumpkin unit. We explored the inside and outside, counted the seeds, and started our classroom pumpkin patch. Here are some pictures=)

I know students bring their own snacks, but sometimes parents and students forget, which is totally okay. But we are running out of extra snacks if any parent would like to donate some. Thank you!