Sunday, October 19, 2014


Mrs. Lee’s
Kindergarten Classroom

We had such a fun week this week, especially with our fire station field trip and Grandparents Day! Below are tons of pictures! If you would like me to text or email any pictures to you let me know!
Here is the video we showed of our students on grandparent’s day.  It is adorable, cute and hilarious.

In Literacy we are focusing on beginning sounds and words in a sentence. Beginning sounds are an easy thing you can work with your kids on in the car. You can say “What is the first sound of cat?”, and they would say “/c/”. We work on this everyday in class, but the more practice the better=). We have also done a lot of reading lately. The students are picking up their sight words very quickly! Our reading is very repetitive. Soon I will begin sending home books at the student’s levels to read.

In math we are continuing to work on numbers up to ten. We are also learning new vocabulary words like greater than, less than, equal to, and one more.
I sent home the students optional math homework a few days ago. This is due the 31st or before.
Bible Verse:
“God is Love.” 1 John 4:8
In science we are continuing to study Pumpkins. I would like to do a pumpkin art with the students in the next coming weeks. Please send a small pumpkin in for your child to do the pumpkin art.

Students examining our class pumpkin parch

Our field trip to the fire station

Grandparents Day

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