I am sorry about the late post! This weekend got away from me! We had a short week last week and a great start to our week so far!
- A note was sent home about our first ever volunteer cafe. This will be on Saturday January 16th from 10-1. We are providing childcare as well. This is a time to come into the class and school and help out our teachers. This may be with cutting, laminating, bulletin boards, and many other things. This is a time for parents who normally don't get to help in the class but would like to, and for parents to get to know each other. I am also looking forward to getting to get to know you all some more.
-There is no more rest time, so towels can be sent home.
-Reminder Library is on Wednesdays, and our class book bags should be returned Friday or Monday.
Reading and writing
In reading we are starting to talk about middle sounds. They have learned beginning and ending sounds already. This will help them as they begin to sound out and write short words. We are also reviewing our vowels and their sounds. This is an easy one minute activity you can do with you child. Also in the next couple weeks we will be doing our MAP and DIBELS testing, so you may hear about that from your child. If you have questions please feel free to speak to Mrs. Palmer or me.
In writing we have been practicing on using capitals, spaces, and periods. This is a little cheat sheet to help them.
In math we are starting our addition chapter! The students are doing great so far. We will also be taking timed addition tests a few times a week. You will see these come home. I have students repeat a test if they do not finish, so if you see your student got below 5 you can practice at home together too.
New Math stations!
Bible-Last week and this week we have been learning about Daniel. Last week we learned about Daniel in the firey furnace and this week about Daniel and the lions den.
Verse of the week

Last week we started a new unit on Seasons. Students will be learning about each season, what activities we do during the seasons and the weather.
I look forward to sharing all of the fun things we do in class together next week at open house!
thank you,
Mrs. Lee
The students recieved their own Bible last week and they were so excited they even wanted to read them during free time! I love it=)
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