4/28- take you child to work day. Please let us know if your child will not be in school this day. Thank you!
5/6- Mother's Day Tea.
Kindergarten Moms or Grandma's
You are Cordially Invited To A Mother's Day Tea
Time: 8:45-9:45 a.m.
Location: Lobby Area at School
Please RSVP at your soonest convenience.
5/14- Our annual auction! There is great company and wonderful things to buy! This year the theme is A Night in Italy. A fun event that supports our school, you won't want to miss it!
-The kindergarten class this year will be donating a rainy day basket. To make our basket we will need board games, coloring books and crayons, books, movies, puzzles, and any thing else you think would be perfect for a rainy day. I just bought the umbrella and set it out in the foyer to begin to fill and get ready.
-The kindergarten class this year will be donating a rainy day basket. To make our basket we will need board games, coloring books and crayons, books, movies, puzzles, and any thing else you think would be perfect for a rainy day. I just bought the umbrella and set it out in the foyer to begin to fill and get ready.
6/2- Our whole school zoo field trip! If you would like to volunteer let me know! Permission slips were sent out last week! Because this is a larger field trip we are asking that siblings stay home. Thank you for your understanding!
6/7- Father's Field Day. We will be going to Kline Line park for a Father's Day Field Day. This is a fun day to show appreciation for our Father's while playing some games and having fun!
6/10- last day of school/ Kindergarten Graduation/ half day!
Week at a glance
Reading- continuing to work on substituting sounds and reading our leveled readers. We have also been talking a lot about characters. setting, problems, and solutions in our stories. This would be a wonderful thing to reinforce at home as well!
Writing- We just finished our Informational Text Unit and had our Writer's Celebration on Tuesday. I keep their best piece to put in their portfolio, but I will send the rest home.

Bible- In Bible we learned about the story of Zacchaeus. We talked about how even if we lie or still we c an still make it right by apologizing and repenting.
*Our Bible verses will become a little more difficult. We will be reciting Psalm 23 for our graduation. This is a long verse but a powerful one! We will learn little chunks along with the signs leading up to graduation*
Our Authors Page Photo to go in our published book! They are so darn cute! We should be receiving our books by the end of the month!
Congratulations Tyler and Mylah on their Fruit of the Spirit Awards for Faithfulness and Goodness
Chapel with our CEF group
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