Saturday, January 30, 2016


Dear Kindergarten Parents,

It's hard to believe we are almost done with January and ready to begin another exciting month at school.  February is really going to fly by even with an extra day at the end of the month added this year.

Here are some highlights from our week:

In Reading we learned about the letter Ii. We continued our work blending CVC words with /i/ being the center letter and phoneme sound.  We reviewed our vowels aeiou and I demonstrated together making the sounds.  Next, mid-week I gave the students simple CVC words aloud and they identified what vowel they heard.  They are really starting to learn the sound differences!  You can practice this at home too. 😃

In Math, we are starting simple subtraction problems using objects.  I demonstrated subtraction problems using several students in my word problems and having them "go away."  They loved the interactive word problems especially when it was about them.

In science, we are continuing our study of weather.  Last week we talked about how wind forms.  I also expanded our study of weather to include different states of water with pictures- ice, icicles, snow, hail and steam. 

We have had a lot of illness going around our school lately.  If your child has a runny nose, fever, or has vomitted the night before school, please keep your child home so we don't spread this to others in our classrooms.  Thanks so much!  We'll continue to use hand sanitizer in the classroom and monitor closely hand washing here too.

Valentine's Day and 100th day of School Party will take place on Friday, February 12th.  If you have any creative ideas to share or would like to volunteer that day please let Mrs. Lee or Mrs. Palmer know.  We would love to have you!  

Please make sure each child receives a Valentine's Day Card if you are participating.  Because some of our students can't read yet, I am asking that you NOT put each student's name on the Valentine cards but simply put who the card is from.  This makes it way easier for the students to pass out.  For example:  To: Friend From:  Mrs. Palmer.  We have 15 students in our room.❤️❤️❤️

February 15-19. Winter Break.  No School that week.

Thanks for having amazing kids and letting us be a part of their lives!


Mrs. Palmer and Mrs. Lee

Daily 5 time

Zealand participating in "Read to Self."  He is doing an awesome job!!

After Math lessons, Addison and Amara are doing a Math app together during our rotating Math stations.

Friday Fun day.  Students can pick a puzzle instead of doing morning work.  Of course they love it!!

More Friday Fun!

Sunday, January 24, 2016


Happy Sunday kindergarten families!

 Last week was a tornado of a week! We started Tuesday off with learning about Martin Luther King. We read the story "When I am Big, I Want To Use Big Words Too", then we talked about why we celebrate Martin Luther King Day, and broke open two different colored eggs to show that even if we look different on the outside we all look the same on the inside, and God loves us all. Then the students wrote an I have a dream piece. If you haven't taken a look, please do, they are adorable!

 Tuesday also did some testing on the computers, it is funny that the kids love it and get excited when I say we get to and ask to keep going.

To end our day we did some cute Seasons finger painting.

Wednesday morning we reviewed for out Reading unit test the next day, and made our own addition stories. In the afternoon Mrs. Bates class came to join us for a while because Mrs. Bates was not feeling well=( They played rolled to 100 and went to Library.

Thursday we finished our reading and math tests. Poor kiddos were a little worn out, but luckily they had time for some fun free choice afterwards=)

I'll be happy to get back on track next week! I will send out a new homework, reading bags and new math packets on Monday.

Keep a look out for our next blog to stay informed on what we are doing and any notes you should know about.

Have a great rest of your day!

Monday, January 11, 2016


Dear Parents,

I am sorry about the late post! This weekend got away from me! We had a short week last week and a great start to our week so far!


- A note was sent home about our first ever volunteer cafe. This will be on Saturday January 16th from 10-1. We are providing childcare as well. This is a time to come into the class and school and help out our teachers. This may be with cutting, laminating, bulletin boards, and many other things. This is a time for parents who normally don't get to help in the class but would like to, and for parents to get to know each other. I am also looking forward to getting to get to know you all some more.
Image result for volunteer clipart
-Next week is a short week with Martin Luther King Day and a teacher work day.

Image result for open house
- Next Thursday is our Open House. This is where you get to come in and see all the fun things your student has been learning. Keep a look out for more info in your child's folder!

-There is no more rest time, so towels can be sent home.

-Reminder Library is on Wednesdays, and our class book bags should be returned Friday or Monday.

Reading and writing
 In reading we are starting to talk about middle sounds. They have learned beginning and ending sounds already. This will help them as they begin to sound out and write short words. We are also reviewing our vowels and their sounds. This is an easy one minute activity you can do with you child. Also in the next couple weeks we will be doing our MAP and DIBELS testing, so you may hear about that from your child. If you have questions please feel free to speak to Mrs. Palmer or me.

In writing we have been practicing on using capitals, spaces, and periods. This is a little cheat sheet to help them.


In math we are starting our addition chapter! The students are doing great so far. We will also be taking timed addition tests a few times a week. You will see these come home. I have students repeat a test if they do not finish, so if you see your student got below 5 you can practice at home together too.

New Math stations!
Last week and this week we have been learning about Daniel. Last week we learned about Daniel in the firey furnace and this week about Daniel and the lions den.
Verse of the week
Last week we started a new unit on Seasons. Students will be learning about each season, what activities we do during the seasons and the weather.

I look forward to sharing all of the fun things we do in class together next week at open house!

thank you,
Mrs. Lee
The students recieved their own Bible last week and they were so excited they even wanted to read them during free time! I love it=)