Monday, December 18, 2017


I hope everyone is enjoying the beginning of their break! This will be a quick blog with some notes and pics.

If you didn't make it to the program here is the link for facebook to see the video

Our Program

Making Gingerbread houses

Stem project- try to help the gingerbread man escape the ice

PJ Day

Practicing in our PJs

Rellick as special helper

-When we return from break we will no longer be having rest time. I have found around this time of year kinders grow out of it.

-We will not have spelling when we return, we are using our first week getting back into the routine of things.

See everyone in January!

Mrs. Lee

Monday, December 11, 2017


I apologize for the late blog, I was having technical problems again😞 

I can't believe we are in our last week before break! We have a full week practicing our play, learning about the Christmas story, doing some crafts, and we have a few tests.

Here are a few things not to miss

12/14- Class Christmas Party, 2:00. If you would like to donate some candies or icing to decorate that would be great!

12/15- School Program 10:00-10:40. Our class will be preforming the Gingerbread Man play. This is also a half day.

Play practice

Spirit Week

Making elfs!

News letter

Computer time

Our splash chart! Every time a student passes a level they get to add a sticker=) 


Computers with our buddies

Jaiden gets to be special helper



Ila gets to be special helper