Sunday, November 15, 2015


Two months has flown by, and we have done so much learning! It is really fun to see the students growing intellectually, spiritually, socially, and physically. The next couple months are going to fly by, we have a lot of things planned including our harvest dinner (at church on Sunday the 22nd), our Sonshine’s thanksgiving feast for the students on Tuesday the 22nd, and our school Christmas program December 18th! Here is a little more information about each event.

·         Harvest Dinner is for all of our daycare, school, and church families. The students who come will sing songs, and then we will have a small service. Afterwards we have a full Thanksgiving Dinner together. It is a nice time for everyone to get together and enjoy company.

·         Sonshine’s Thanksgiving Feast is on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving during school hours. The students dress up as Pilgrims and Indians and have a feast together. We will be sending out a note for foods that students can bring to contribute to our “stone Soup”. We will also be needing a few volunteers this day, a few people to help with cooking, and a few to help in the classrooms. We will be doing crafts in each classroom to help us learn about the first thanksgiving.
           Our Christmas Program is the Friday, half-day, before winter break. This is a whole school program. Each student will be given a role to play in the story of Jesus’ birth. And of course parents and grandparents are welcome.  

Thanks to everyone who donated to Good Samaritans Operation Shoe box! We were able to fill 46 show boxes, and show 46 little kids that people are thinking about them and praying for them. The students had a great time filling the boxes and praying over them. 

New Homework- We started sending out new homework that has some more specific things that you can work on with your child. We are still doing our sight word and Bible verse tests each Friday, and I still ask that you send back the homework paper showing that your child has worked on it. Thank you!

In reading we are continuing to work on our sight words, letter of the week, and breaking words up into 2 parts. In our small groups we have been reading a book each day. I am impressed how fluently the students are reading our small readers.

We just finished up our unit on writing books to tell a story. On Friday we had our Writers Celebration to celebrate all of the hard work our students have been doing! Our next writing unit is about writing how-to books. This unit involves a lot more word writing, but I think the kiddos are up for a challenge!

In math we have been working really hard on our teen numbers, especially the tricky ones like 11, 12, 13, and 15. They are catching on to the fact that every number start with a one (We sing a song to go with this=)).

Our Bible verse will be the same next week because this is the verse we will be using for Harvest dinner. The next 2 weeks we will be looking a little more at Thanksgiving and the things we are thankful for.

Social Studies
We have been working on our First Thanksgiving books. The students have been putting a lot of effort into them. Here are some of their pictures.
Students observing our growing pumpkins. They are very excited that they are growing=)
I hope everyone is having a great weekend!
Mrs. Lee

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