Sunday, January 25, 2015


This week flew by with only 3 days! I know the next three weeks will fly by as well, and then it will be time for mid-winter break! Here are some notes about our next couple weeks.

Field Trip will be $9.00, so sorry I forgot to put it on permission slip!

Spagetti factory tomorrow! Don’t forget to bring the flyer!

1.    Next Friday is our field trip to The Children’s Portland Museum. Please bring slips in by Tuesday.
2.   Next week we will be practicing our class chapel that will be held on February 2nd. PLEASE help them practice their lines, and we will be practicing everyday at school. Parents are also more than welcome to join us for this class chapel to watch the students=)
3.   On Friday, February 13th we will be having our Valentine’s Day party. I am asking if 1-2 parents would be willing to help put the party together. They would help collect food or treats for the party, plan some fun games for the students and help facilitate it.
4.   Next week I will be sending home report cards and comments.

In reading we are continuing to work on sounding out words in reading, and learning to blend and segment words out loud. I feel like I have been saying this for a few weeks now. In kindergarten this is so important though! It is a tough skill to hear be able to say all the sounds in a word and then be able to take them and blend them together. We are also continuing to focus on our sight words, which are a huge part of reading and writing at this age. If I could only tell you two things that would help your kindergartener learn to read more fluently, I would say sight words and sounding words out! Eventually towards the end of the year they begin to sound out in their heads=)

In writing we are continuing to write our stories. I hope everyone enjoyed them on open night=) I have also began to work on handwriting. In the beginning of the year I am just happy they are writing! Now towards the middle we will begin to focus on keeping the letters in the lines=)

Next week we begin our unit on addition. I think with how well the students did on their number bonds, addition will come easily to them. (Another easy thing to practice in the car;))
Also our goal for the next quarter will be counting to 75.

In science we will be talking about wind, and how it is made, and how it can help us or sometimes harm us. We will also be making wind socks!

All this week we will be focusing on our Class Chapel for the following week. I think it is so important for students to get a chance to perform in front of others. I think it really helps with confidence and leadership skills later down the road. Speaking in front of others is a huge step for our little kinders, so please help them feel confident and relaxed by helping them at home with their lines=)

And some pictures because you can never have enough=) Students at their math stations. Math, games, and fun all in one!

I hope everyone has enjoyed their weekends=)

Mrs. Lee

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